Category: Uncategorized

  • Love is Easy, Relationships are Hard

    Love is Easy, Relationships are Hard

    Maybe one of the things that have puzzled humanity since the dawn of time is relationships. Now don’t get us wrong, love is easy. But it’s the relationship that makes things complicated. Relationships take work, whether with a significant other, your family, or even friends. We will look at the ups and downs of relationships,…

  • Family Love vs. Relationship Love

    We all know that love comes in many forms and can be expressed in countless ways. But maybe two of the most common are family love and relationship love. But, unfortunately, when it comes to these two specific types of things it can get a bit tricky.  There may also be a lot of questions…

  • Love vs. Relationship

    There are very few things in life that are more confusing than the concepts that have to do with human emotions. Maybe one of the most confusing is that of the ideas of love and relationship.  Love and relationship are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they are two very different things.  So…

  • How to Love After an Abusive or Toxic Relationship

    Being in an abusive or toxic relationship can be devastating and leave you with trauma responses that you may not even know you have. So if you are someone who has been in an abusive or toxic relationship, you may find that loving again is challenging.  You are not alone is the first thing we…

  • Can a Love-Hate Relationship Work?

    Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you simultaneously love and hate someone? Maybe it’s your ex, a family member, or even your best friend. It’s the classic love-hate relationship, and it’s a tricky one to navigate.  But the question is can it work? Can a relationship based on such contradictory emotions survive…

  • Why Relationships Go from Love to Hate?

    Sad to say, many of us have, at some point in our life, experienced a relationship turn from love to hate.  You know that sensation we are talking about – when one day, there are stars in your eyes as you stare at your person, and then down the road, you find yourself wanting to…

  • Why Does Love Fade In a Relationship?

    Why does love fade in a relationship? Do you find yourself Coming out of the honeymoon phase and wondering what is going on?  The truth is that the initial spark sometimes dwindles, and then we may find ourselves wondering what we did or what went wrong in the relationship. Though love can and does endure…

  • How Does Love Grow In a Relationship?

    Whether you’re just starting a new relationship where you’ve been with your significant other for years, you probably wondered at some point how exactly love grows and develops over time. It’s a common question and one that could be a bit tricky to answer.  After all, there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for building a lasting, loving…

  • Why You Don’t Feel Loved In Your Relationship

    It’s a frustrating and lonely feeling when you feel a little unloved and unappreciated in a relationship. But the good news is that you can do something about it.  In this article, we’re gonna explore some of the reasons why you might not be feeling love in your relationship and offer some tips on how…

  • What Does Love Feel Like in a Long-Term Relationship?

    The dynamics of love can change and evolve in any committed relationship. So, understanding what love feels like in a long-term relationship may be difficult, whether you and your partner have been together for three years or 30.  Even still, if many of us think about it, in this blog, we thought we’d look at…

  • How to Develop Self-Love While In a Relationship

    How to Develop Self-Love While In a Relationship

    Being in a relationship can be wonderful, but it’s easy to lose sight of your needs and desires when you’re focused on your partner. It’s important to remember that self-love is just as crucial as the love we give to others.  So whether you’re in a new relationship or have been with your partner for…

  • How to Deal With a Love-Hate Relationship

    How to Deal With a Love-Hate Relationship

    Love-hate relationships are something that many people don’t talk about. But, if you’ve ever found yourself in one, you know those relationships are quite unique and often frustrating and exciting together.  However, these types of relationships are more common than you might think, and they can be pretty confusing and overwhelming. Don’t worry. We’ve got…

  • Can They Love You and Not Want a Relationship?

    Have you ever found yourself in a situation where someone you really like or even love tells you that they don’t want a relationship with you? It’s a tough pill to swallow and can leave you feeling confused, hurt, and even angry.  But here’s the thing: just because someone doesn’t want a relationship with you…

  • Can You Love Someone Else While In a Relationship?

    Can You Love Someone Else While In a Relationship?

    Are you currently in a relationship but find yourself developing feelings for someone else? Maybe you’ve been questioning whether it’s possible to love two people in the same county for having those emotions.  Well, you’re not alone. It’s a complicated enough and confusing situation to be in, and it can be tough to know what…

  • Can a Rebound Relationship Turn Into Love

    Can a Rebound Relationship Turn Into Love

    When it comes to relationships, there are a lot of controversial topics that people try to stay away from. Today we’re going to tackle one of those feelings of the world of dating rebound relationships.  We’ve all been there at some point, right? The breakup was tough, and we just wanted to distract ourselves from…

  • Can Saying I Love You Too Much Ruin a Relationship?

    Can Saying I Love You Too Much Ruin a Relationship?

    The most important factor in a good relationship is frequently thought to be loved. It is what brings two people together, creates an emotional connection between them, and serves as the basis for a strong and enduring relationship. But what if the love in that relationship ends? Can a marriage endure without love? That is…

  • Can Saying I Love You Too Much Ruin a Relationship?

    Can Saying I Love You Too Much Ruin a Relationship?

    Can saying “I love you” too much ruin our relationship? We’ve all heard the phrase too much of a good thing can be bad before, and it turns out that expressing love and affection can also fall under that category. So if you’re someone whose partner does this, or maybe you’re the romantic in the…

  • Can a Physical Relationship Turn Into Love?

    Can a Physical Relationship Turn Into Love?

    Many aspects play a part in romantic relationships. But, maybe one of the most important for many is the physical relationship. So often, relationships start out that way with a purely physical attraction. While some people believe that physical attraction is a key foundation of any relationship, others think that it is only important to…

  • Are Love-Hate Relationships Healthy or Toxic?

    Are Love-Hate Relationships Healthy or Toxic?

    Love-hate relationships are a common trope in pop culture. Think of characters like Ross and Rachel from “Friends” or Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy from “Pride and Prejudice.” These relations are characterized by my intense emotions, both love and hate toward the same person. But are love-hate relationships healthy or toxic? We’re going to explore the…

  • What is Puppy Love in a Relationship?

    What is Puppy Love in a Relationship?

    “It’s just puppy love!” This age-old topic has puzzled many of us in our romantic lives. Puppy love is that sweet, innocent infatuation we feel when we first get to know someone, and everything they do seems perfect. But is it just a passing phase, or can it lead to something more? To answer that…

  • Why Do Rebound Relationships Feel Like Love?

    Why Do Rebound Relationships Feel Like Love?

    Breakups are hard, and our hearts and minds often look for a way to forget about the pain of this breakup. Unfortunately, a rebound relationship is one of the most common things that happen after a breakup. This is a relationship that occurs very quickly after the ending of another relationship. These relationships can feel…

  • What is the Meaning of Love in a Relationship?

    What is the Meaning of Love in a Relationship?

    What is love? This is a question that people have been asking for centuries. However, it may be hard to define simply because it is an individualized concept. What one person defines love in a relationship may be very different from what another defines love. In its simplest definition, love is strong feelings and emotions…

  • How Love Can Change Your Life?

    How Love Can Change Your Life?

    Love has a lot of positive effects on life in general. Falling in love and being in love is one of those things that most of us seek out throughout our lives. This is because we all know that love and the relationships that come with it can improve our lives. Love can bring a…

  • What Makes You Feel Most Loved in a Relationship?

    What Makes You Feel Most Loved in a Relationship?

    Every relationship is different in how it starts to show the love within that relationship is shown. Understanding what love looks like in your relationship is vitally important to its success. Not everyone feels love or wants to feel love in the same way. This is why many people talk about love languages and the…

  • What Kills Love in a Relationship?

    What Kills Love in a Relationship?

    Love is very fragile, and many external and internal situations can affect it. In the end, relationships go through a ton of different levels, and nothing ever stays the same. But a strong relationship can overcome a lot of those challenges. But if there is a lack of desire to overcome these challenges, love will…

  • What Does Love Feel Like In a Long-Term Relationship?

    What Does Love Feel Like In a Long-Term Relationship?

    Love is something almost everybody seeks in life. This is because romantic love has been, shall we say, romanticized in cultures across the globe for centuries. But many of us struggle to understand what love feels like, especially when it becomes a long-term relationship. Like everything else, love changes over time, making those feelings difficult…

  • Why Do I Always Disagree With My Spouse?

    Why Do I Always Disagree With My Spouse?

    Disagreements are going to happen in any relationship. That is just a natural order of things. However, if you’re always disagreeing with your spouse, it may be a sign that some issues need to be addressed. Relationships are naturally hard because two different individuals are coming together as one, so there are bound to be…

  • What to Say to the Person That Broke Your Heart?

    What to Say to the Person That Broke Your Heart?

    A broken heart is something that almost all of us suffer at least once in our lives. It is a difficult situation for any of us to be in. But, maybe the most challenging aspect of a difficult situation is knowing the right words to say and if you should say anything. No matter if…

  • How to Stop Attracting Toxic Partners?

    Have you found yourself constantly having to struggle in relationships because you seem to find toxic individuals? If you have, you are probably wondering how you always seem to find these and bring them into your life. It can be very tiresome always dealing with toxic partners, so finding ways to meet nice and normal…

  • How to Deal With Disrespectful In-Laws?

    How to Deal With Disrespectful In-Laws?

    When you marry someone or are together for an extended period, you don’t just have to worry about your relationship. Most of the time, your relationship includes not only you and your partner but also your friends and family. In particular, a family can be quite tricky, especially if you have a rocky relationship with…

  • How to Get Over Someone Who Rejected You?

    How to Get Over Someone Who Rejected You?

    Putting yourself out there is scary, no matter why you’re doing it. It becomes even more so when there are emotions involved, and that means when you’re putting yourself out there for someone to either love or desire, the stakes get a little higher. Because of this, oftentimes, when there’s a rejection involved, you feel…

  • Your Spouse is Your Biggest Enemy

    Your Spouse is Your Biggest Enemy

    When you walk down that aisle and promise your life to another person, the last thing you expect is to find yourself at odds with them. But through life, you may sometimes find that the one you love the most can easily become your enemy. But there are many reasons why couples find themselves at…

  • How Does a Wife Show Love to Her Husband?

    How Does a Wife Show Love to Her Husband?

    In marriage, it’s very easy for us to look at the flaws and wrongdoings of our partner, especially when there’s been some miscommunication that has conflict. But continually looking at the negative aspects of marriage is not the way to have a happy marriage. As a wife, not showing love to her husband can hugely…

  • How Should a Woman Treat Her Husband?

    How Should a Woman Treat Her Husband?

    Marriage is a contract that comes with a lot of bylines when it comes to the expectations required of both the man and woman. How you treat each other will be the thing that determines if your love and marriage will be able to do up against the ups and downs of the relationship. How…

  • Your Fiancé’s Or Spouse’s Family is Toxic

    Your Fiancé’s Or Spouse’s Family is Toxic

    There are some topics that, when brought up in a relationship, could potentially lead to quite a bit of tension. One of the biggest of these topics is family. It does not matter how close you and your partner are. Any issues that come up have to do with the family and could, if done…

  • Why Do We Need Reassurance In Relationships?

    Why Do We Need Reassurance In Relationships?

    When a new relationship starts, whether they’re romantic or platonic, there’s a lot of comfort and outward signs of affection. So whether that be a kind word or a gentle gesture, it is very comforting in those early times that you have this assurance. But as relationships become more stable and consistent, these signs of…

  • Why Doesn’t My Boyfriend Propose?

    Why Doesn’t My Boyfriend Propose?

    For many of us, when we fall in love and find that special someone, marriage finds its way to the forefront of our minds. That is because, for a lot of people in a loving relationship, marriage is the ultimate form of commitment. So what do you do if that’s the way you feel, but…

  • Why Is It Hard to Meet the Right Person?

    Why Is It Hard to Meet the Right Person?

    Finding love with that special person can be life-changing. It will bring a ton of enjoyment and happiness into your life. First, though, you have to make sure that you are finding the right person and this in and of itself is potentially the most challenging aspect of searching for love. But why is something…

  • Will You Find the Right Person?

    Will You Find the Right Person?

    Dating can be very frustrating and sometimes challenging. This is because most of us are out dating and living our lives looking to find that one special person that completes us. We’ve been told through songs, stories, and movies that there is one right person for everyone in the world. That one right person is…

  • Why Do I Keep Looking for Love?

    Why Do I Keep Looking for Love?

    Love Is All you need, right? We are inundated with songs about how love is the most important thing and that your life becomes complete once you find it. Because of this, many of us pin our hopes and dreams on finding that love. We focus on it so much that when we cannot find…

  • Why Do I Need Constant Reassurance From My Friends?

    Why Do I Need Constant Reassurance From My Friends?

    It’s always nice to have friends reassure you when you’re feeling down, but if you constantly need reassurance from your friends, you may think this is a problem. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for feelings of insecurity to crop up in any type of relationship. The truth is that many people deal with this regularly.…

  • Why Doesn’t Anyone Want to Marry You?

    Why Doesn’t Anyone Want to Marry You?

    Finding someone to love and be with for the rest of your life is challenging, no matter who you are. Even if you are out there in the dating world, you may find it hard to find that special someone that wants to take that relationship to the next level. Because it is so hard,…

  • Why Introverts Need Their Space?

    Why Introverts Need Their Space?

    There are a lot of factors that play a role in a relationship being successful. One of those factors is understanding your partner and their personality. Things like being extroverted or introverted, in other words, can play a role in creating a solid foundation for any relationship. If you are someone who is an extrovert,…

  • What to Say to Give a Guy Butterflies?

    What to Say to Give a Guy Butterflies?

    We’ve all been inundated with the idea that guys need to make women swoon, but it goes both ways. Maybe the guy you like is shy and can’t make the first move. So what do you do? How do you make him feel the way you’re told to feel in this situation? In other words,…

  • Why Am I So Bad at Flirting Over Text?

    Why Am I So Bad at Flirting Over Text?

    Flirting has changed over the past several decades because of cell phones. Now you no longer have to worry about being bad at flirting in person but over text as well. There are some key things, though, that you can look at to see why you might be so bad at flirting over text. Just…

  • What to Say When a Guy Says Make Me?

    What to Say When a Guy Says Make Me?

    A conversation is between two individuals responding to each other quickly, often with comebacks. There are many situations where having the right comeback can propel the conversation in whole new directions. This is particularly true when you’re dealing with a new romantic relationship. Some moments can spur flirting when you have a relationship, especially when…

  • Why Soulmates Don’t Exist

    How many of us are on a constant hunt for that one true love?! That person who is meant to complete us that we often call our soul mate. But sometimes, it takes quite a while. You may be wondering if there are those out there that believe that soulmates are real, and some believe…

  • Why Won’t My Boyfriend Propose After 5 – 10 Years?

    Why Won’t My Boyfriend Propose After 5 – 10 Years?

    So, you’ve been together for years and years, and you’ve devoted your time and heart to someone most everybody assumes at some point you’ll take the next step and walk down that aisle? It can be frustrating when you’ve been together that long, and yet still the proposal hasn’t come. But there may be plenty…

  • Will I Ever Meet the Right Man?

    Will I Ever Meet the Right Man?

    When asked why they are still single, most single people will find themselves saying that they just haven’t found the right man. The truth is finding anyone is hard in this hectic world. Though we were more connected than ever, it seems that sometimes finding that special someone is still the challenge. It depends on…

  • Why Do I Cry When My Girlfriend Leaves?

    Why Do I Cry When My Girlfriend Leaves?

    It’s inevitable in a relationship at some point, and you’re going to spend time separate from each other, period, not necessarily in a negative mass but perhaps for business or a multitude of other reasons.  When this happens, you may find no matter where you are in your relationship. But it may seem very uncomfortable,…

  • Why Do I Cry When My Boyfriend Leaves Long Distance?

    Why Do I Cry When My Boyfriend Leaves Long Distance?

    Any type of relationship is challenging, but long-distance relationships have whole new challenges attached to them.  The fact that you are not always with this individual can lead to a lot of anxiety and stress, especially when they’re leaving. So why do you cry when your boyfriend leaves to go back home while you live…

  • Why Am I Obsessed With Getting Married?

    Why Am I Obsessed With Getting Married?

    Some people are simply obsessed with the thought of getting married. Maybe that someone is you.  Maybe the thought of marriage has been held as a prisoner in your mind because you may have just met the perfect someone, or maybe you’re ready to take the next step in your current relationship. The questions remain,…

  • She Doesn’t Want to Marry Me

    The idea of a long time commitment can be very scary for a lot of people. There are many factors why someone may not want to marry their significant other. Whether that is a fear of commitment or simply a lack of belief in the institution of marriage, it is personal. But if your significant…

  • Why Does She Want to Marry Me?

    Why Does She Want to Marry Me?

    Taking your relationship to the next step is always a scary but exciting prospect. That is if you are ready for that next step. When one member of the relationship is, and the other isn’t, it could lead to some pretty stressful moments.  If you’re the man in the relationship and you are not ready,…

  • Why Do I Get So Excited When He Texts Me?

    You’re in the other room doing something, and suddenly, you hear that Ding notifies you that there is a text that has just come through. Your heart begins to race, and you rush to the phone, hoping that it’s him. Why is it so exciting when he texts you? To understand why you get so…

  • Why Do I Feel Abandoned When My Boyfriend Leaves?

    Why Do I Feel Abandoned When My Boyfriend Leaves?

    Time apart from your significant other can be both very healthy And necessary. That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t fill you with things when you’re separated from them. You may feel anxious, angry, or even abandoned when your boyfriend goes out or leaves you alone. There are a lot of reasons why you might feel…

  • Why Does He Want To Marry Me So Quickly?

    Why Does He Want To Marry Me So Quickly?

    Entering any type of commitment can be quite scary for some people. It’s even more so when it is something as big as marriage. The truth is in any relationship, and it’s very rare for both people to be on the same page at the same time.  One may want to tie the knot rather…

  • Who Is The Perfet Person For Me?

    Who Is The Perfet Person For Me?

    When taking the time to consider what type of person would really be right for you when it comes to romantic relationships, it might be tough deciding who this might be. It can be difficult to tell or even know who the perfect person is for you. As well as deciding what makes someone perfect…

  • Why Do I Need Constant Validation in My Relationship?

    Why Do I Need Constant Validation in My Relationship?

    Relationships can be very challenging because all layers must be considered. Though some people may consider needing validation from your partner a red flag, it is a natural human condition to want to be understood and heard. However, when it becomes a consistent issue, it could become a detriment to your relationship. So why do…

  • When You Feel Secure In A Relationship

    When You Feel Secure In A Relationship

    Security in relationships ultimately means many different things. It could mean excellent communication, feeling valued, respecting boundaries and responsibility, as well as simply feeling comfortable. A healthy, secure relationship with someone would be the best relationship you’ll have. So what does security in a relationship look like? How do you know you are secure? What…

  • When Someone Asks Do You Love Me?

    When Someone Asks Do You Love Me?

    When it comes to our personal morals within our relationships, whether they be friendly or romantic, we all have different specifications. For some, love is a strong word that should not be tossed around, making it hard when we get close to someone and ask that dreaded question. When someone asks if we love them,…

  • Why Am I Always Overthinking My Relationship?

    Why Am I Always Overthinking My Relationship?

    Overthinking and anything is never productive. Sure thinking hard on things and mulling things over can be beneficial in some aspects, but overthinking means that you’re dwelling on something, and that means that you don’t see the forest of the trees quite often. One of the worst places to do that is in a relationship.…

  • Why Do You Want to Marry Your Partner?

    Why Do You Want to Marry Your Partner?

    There comes a time in many relationships when one feels like it’s time to take things to the next level. Typically that means a proposal of marriage to your partner. But why do you want to marry your partner? This should be the first question you ask yourself before actually getting down on that knee…

  • Why Am I Not Secure In My Relationship?

    Why Am I Not Secure In My Relationship?

    Insecurity is something that we all feel at one point or another. However, no matter how confident you are, there are certain situations where insecurities creep in, and one of the biggest of those is in your relationships. But why do these insecurities crop up if you choose the person you love and you’re with…

  • When You Find Someone Who Treats You Right

    When You Find Someone Who Treats You Right

    Throughout everyone’s lifetime, a particular person walks into our lives at the most unexpected time. These people could become lovers, close friends, or even family. Everyone has a different situation and story. So how can you tell? Is this person someone who treats you right? How do you keep them around and show them gratitude?…

  • What to Text Someone You Just Met?

    What to Text Someone You Just Met?

    Meeting new people can be exciting, but it can also be complicated. Especially if you are deciding to text the person you just met. It’s hard to figure out what could be appropriate topics to text about or if you should even consistently text. Let’s discuss some things you could text the person you just…

  • Separation Anxiety In Long Distance Relationships

    Separation Anxiety In Long Distance Relationships

    Anxiety is, unfortunately, a more common generalized disorder amongst many people and is likely to indicate other underlying problems when it becomes more intense over time. Separation anxiety, specifically, can be tough when it comes to long-distance relationships. Let’s talk about separation anxiety, specifically within long-distance relationships. Including if it’s normal, how long it will…

  • When a guy jokes about marrying you

    When a guy jokes about marrying you

    There are many individuals who have different senses of humor, and there are many individuals who know how to separate certain types of comedy from various situations. However, when it comes to topics that may be more serious to you, such as marriage, is it really that funny? Sometimes there are significant others or even…

  • Who Do You Want To Marry?

    Who Do You Want To Marry?

    Marriage is a big commitment, and making a decision about who you want to marry shouldn’t be taken lightly. So if you daydream of white weddings and happily ever after, you might wonder who you want to marry and how to tell if they are the one. Although this answer varies from person to person,…

  • Where Can Couples Go For Privacy?

    Where Can Couples Go For Privacy?

    It can be challenging to find a place where you and your partner can enjoy one another’s company, especially if you both have hectic work schedules. But, if you are looking for a way to spice things up outside the bedroom, you might wonder where couples can go for privacy. Finding a secluded place where…

  • When Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Want To Marry You

    When Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Want To Marry You

    Realizing that your boyfriend does not want to marry you can be heartbreaking. However, it does not have to be the end. Below, we will look at how you can tell when your boyfriend does not want to marry you and what to do when you see the signs. No matter how good a relationship…

  • When Your Boyfriend Goes Out of Town

    When Your Boyfriend Goes Out of Town

    Many of us all have that special someone we do things with all the time, right? There’s no doubt that it’s hard when our special person is not around. However, consider it an opportunity to get more in tune with yourself again. Here we will talk more specifically about your boyfriend going out of town…

  • What Should I Expect From My Wife

    Marriage is a life commitment, and oftentimes we get lost in the roles that are played on the outside. Stepping back and taking a moment to remember what marriage really is and why we got married in the first place is important. Surely, everyone has expectations. However, everyone, even your wife, we are only human.…

  • What Makes A Man Want To Marry

    Although it varies from person to person, what makes a man want to marry you, is not always complicated. It can be difficult to tell if your partner wants to pop the question and take things to the next step. So, how can you know if he is ready for marriage? Often, what makes a…

  • My Girlfriend is Bad with Money

    Everyone wants to believe they’re good at handling money, but that’s not always the case. You may think that your girlfriend’s financial situation isn’t that big of a deal, but when you start living together, it may lead to more fights than you were hoping. Finances can be an awkward and tricky conversation if you…

  • When You’re Not The One For Him

    When You’re Not The One For Him

    Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if you and your partner are not connecting or if you’re not meant to be. So how do you know when you’re not the one for him? Again, it can be difficult to tell, but there are easy ways to determine if your relationship is healthy or headed…

  • When You Don’t Feel Secure In Your Relationship

    When You Don’t Feel Secure In Your Relationship

    When you don’t feel secure in your relationship, the anxiety and stress can eat you up. If you are finding yourself worrying when you do not get a text back right away or if feeling anxious when you spend a few days apart, these are signs you feel insecure in your relationship. Thankfully, you can…

  • When He Tells You You’re Not The One

    When He Tells You You’re Not The One

    Breakups can be devastating, especially when he tells you you’re not the one. If your partner tells you that you’re not the one for him, don’t try to argue. It can be hard to remain calm, but it’s best for everyone if you try to be understanding and respectful. That doesn’t mean you can’t be…

  • My Girlfriend Doesn’t Help Me Financially

    My Girlfriend Doesn’t Help Me Financially

    Being in a relationship is hard work, especially when you get money involved. Once you’ve decided to move in together, figuring out the financial responsibilities is arguably the most critical conversation topic. If you and your girlfriend have been living together and she isn’t helping you pay the bills, it may be time to bring…

  • My Girlfriend Doesn’t Make Enough Money

    My Girlfriend Doesn’t Make Enough Money

    “Money makes the world go ’round.” That’s the line you hear everyone say. So what happens if you get into a relationship with someone and they don’t make enough money to support themselves? In a society with a cost of living crisis, having a girlfriend who relies on your money can be exhausting. It might…

  • What Should You Text A Guy You Like

    What Should You Text A Guy You Like

    When staying in contact with someone you are interested in, it can be intimidating to decide how to talk to them. So while being yourself is important, it’s also crucial to respect boundaries and genuine social norms. Here we will discuss everything you need to know when texting someone you like, specifically how to start…

  • What Married Couples do at Night

    What Married Couples do at Night

    Getting married to your lover is a special time in your life. If you are not already living together, it’s a huge adjustment to move in together.  Not only do you discover the unfavorable sides of each other, but you may find yourselves exploring evening activities when things get bland. There are plenty of fun…

  • What does it mean to feel secure in a relationship?

    What does it mean to feel secure in a relationship?

    To be in a healthy, secure relationship is to be comfortable with your partner. Comfortable enough to have a healthy attachment to your partner. Having a secure relationship ultimately offers both you and your partner support in all areas. If you are in a secure relationship, you should feel a sense of comfort around your…

  • Best day to go on a date

    Best day to go on a date

    Everyone’s relationships are different and unique, which makes the best day to go on a date everchanging for everyone. However, there are a few days throughout the year that are considered to be the best days to go on that date! Ideally, the best days weekly to go on a date are the weekends. Everyone…

  • My Husband Puts His Hobbies Before Me – Things to Consider

    My Husband Puts His Hobbies Before Me – Things to Consider

    Everyone has a special hobby they like. Whether that be video games or outdoor sports, hobbies can be important for those who have a true passion for the things they love.  Doing something you love can not only serve as something to do when you are bored, but it can also help you mentally, and…

  • Affirmations For Your Girlfriend – Building Her Up Enhances Your Relationship

    Affirmations For Your Girlfriend – Building Her Up Enhances Your Relationship

    First, let’s talk about what affirmations are exactly. Affirmations are considered to be a practice utilized by the newer generations in order to practice positivity. By fostering these statements, one can find more motivation to achieve personal goals.  They typically come in 5 different forms: inspirational, personal goals, compliments, gratitude, and change.  While all of…

  • USA Romantic Getaways For February – Find the Best Places To Go

    USA Romantic Getaways For February – Find the Best Places To Go

    February is known to be a month full of love and compassion, and no, we are not talking about Groundhog Day!  There’s also Galentine’s Day, a day of celebration for anyone who may or may not be single to celebrate their friendship and love with those who are close to them! We aren’t here for…

  • Hurt Wife Emotionally, How Can I Fix It?

    Hurt Wife Emotionally, How Can I Fix It?

    The truth is that everyone makes mistakes. We say things at the moment that we don’t mean sometimes. We even do things that hurt the people we love unintentionally. When we hurt our significant others, gaining that trust might be hard.  Our romantic partners present their most vulnerable parts to us, and it’s so hard…

  • Surprise Date Night Invitation For Your Husband – Romantic Ideas

    Surprise Date Night Invitation For Your Husband – Romantic Ideas

    So you and your husband have been busy and unable to spend some quality time together. A special date night is a perfect solution to a long few weeks of being absent from each other’s company in the intimate way you both need. Making the whole date night a surprise can be tricky at times,…

  • Wife Wants You To Give Up Hobbies – Here’s What to Consider

    Wife Wants You To Give Up Hobbies – Here’s What to Consider

    Everyone forms different kinds of hobbies to keep their minds busy and satisfied during any free time, but what happens if one wants to give up their hobbies?  It could mean a lot of things, some of which are out of your control. So let’s talk about why your wife or partner might want to…

  • Husband Barely Talks Anymore – What to Do About It?

    Husband Barely Talks Anymore – What to Do About It?

    Many couples hit a point in their relationship where their partner may not talk to them much anymore. It could happen at any point in the relationship and could mean a variety of different things.  Before you get too stressed out and worried, let’s discuss the different angles of the mute husband or partner.  …

  • Ways To Please Your Wife Emotionally

    Ways To Please Your Wife Emotionally

    There comes a point in time in all relationships where you may experience your partner going through an emotional hardship. While it’s not all up to you to ‘fix’ your partner, surely there are a few things you can do to assist them in feeling back to normal.  Of course, the best way to know…