Best day to go on a date

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Flowers and candles on a table near mountains - Best day to go on a date

Everyone’s relationships are different and unique, which makes the best day to go on a date everchanging for everyone. However, there are a few days throughout the year that are considered to be the best days to go on that date!

Ideally, the best days weekly to go on a date are the weekends. Everyone is settling down for the week and relaxing after working. Friday night date nights are a great way to kick off the weekend, especially for those who work for companies that are closed for the weekends.


What is the Best Day to Go on a Date?

Overall, the best day to go on a date is indeed Valentine’s Day! This day is known as a celebration of love, and even if you are someone who is usually dating around trying to find the one – it still makes for a perfect date night.

If you are considering what day of the week to go on a date instead of the day of the year – weekends are ideal. More specifically, weekend evenings are considered to be the best days of the week to go on a date night.  


Why is it the Best Day for a Date?

Valentine’s Day is considered to be the best day to go on a date. February 14th is themed with hearts, flowers, chocolates, and all things romantic. Known as the day of celebration of love and affection, this day is great for a romantic-styled date, day or night!

The weekends are ideal for those planning a date outside of valentine’s day. The weekend consists of two leisure days, where schedules are more likely to have a larger range of availability. 

Public spaces like restaurants and bars are also known to be more lively on the weekends!


Is There a Universal Best Day for a Date? Or Does it Depend on the Couple?

If you are in a committed relationship with your partner, there is an international day that is considered to be ideal for a date night! If you are not in a committed relationship but are seeking one through casual dating, these might not be for you. See the list below.


March 20th – National Proposal Day

June 12th – National Loving Day

August 18th – National Couples Day

September 30th – National Love People Day


How Can You Tell What the Best Day for a Date is?

There are a few different factors to consider when configuring the best day to go on a date. Listed below are all the things that need to be considered while planning out your next date.



Depending on your activities for the date, it’s important to consider what the weather will look like. Checking the weather for the week of the date is crucial. It will help you not only determine the best day to plan for the date but also might help you adjust the planned activities.



Everyone has their own unique schedule for their everyday life, and it’s important to take your partner’s schedule into consideration. This will allow both of you to plan a time that works best, ultimately choosing the best day that works for both of you.



When choosing a location for the date, consider pre-booking. Whether it be a restaurant, ziplining, or any other activity that requires reservations, it’s always important to call ahead. Some restaurants close for private catering events, which is why it’s important to check in.


What Days are Not the Best for a Date?

Avoid days that are occupied enough to the point where you need to squeeze your date into your schedule. Instead, it’s better to have extra time before and after the date to prepare for any unforeseen events or activities you and your date might plan. 

There are also many days of the year that are considered to be unlucky for those superstitious (not just Friday the 13th!). So if you’d rather play things safe, take these days into consideration and steer away from them at all costs. See the list below.


  • April 14th
  • June 28th
  • August 6th
  • September 1st
  • October 29th


Final Thoughts on the Best Day to Go on a Date

Ultimately the best day to go on a date is Valentine’s Day! This day of celebrating love and affection makes for the perfect day to go on a date throughout the year. Other international days that would be perfect for a date include National Loving Day or National Couples Day!

In order to tell what day would be perfect for your date, take weather reports, availability, and location into consideration. Avoid days that are too busy for dates, and also any days that are known for bad luck, such as Friday the 13th. 


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