Who Is The Perfet Person For Me?

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Man and woman close to each other smiling - Who Is The Perfet Person For Me?

When taking the time to consider what type of person would really be right for you when it comes to romantic relationships, it might be tough deciding who this might be. It can be difficult to tell or even know who the perfect person is for you.

As well as deciding what makes someone perfect for you, everyone is different and takes away different things from everyday romantic relationships. Do you both have to agree on everything all the time? What if you both have differences?

Let’s discuss everything you need to know about how to tell if someone is perfect for you.


How Can You Tell?

You can tell that someone is right for you if you’ve known them for a longer time and they continue to treat you consistently. Physical appearance will not and should not be the sole purpose of why someone might be suitable for you romantically.

Another way to tell if someone is suitable for you is if they have had similar life experiences to yours. Finding someone relatable is essential when deciding if someone is suitable for you. For example, maybe both of your parents were divorced at a young age.


Do You Just Know?

You might have that ‘this is my person’ feeling with your significant other or whomever you feel is right or perfect for you in the long run. While many of us have this feeling with multiple people, it is hard to say if you should solely rely on this feeling.

After experiencing the ‘this is my person’ feeling with your significant other or whomever you feel is right or perfect for you in the long run, it’s important to ask yourself one vital question. This would be, ‘how long have I known this person?’ The longer, the better.


What Makes a Perfect Person for You?

The qualities that make a person perfect for you really depend on who you are and what you have experienced in your lifetime. It could be the yin-yang relationship, or you two could be similar in every way. Either way, this person may be perfect for you.

Another way to look at it is to ask yourself if this person is benefiting your life in any way.

Are they bringing something to the table when it comes to betting on your life or creating a safe space for any negative emotions you might be experiencing? If so, this person could be perfect for you.


Do you Have to Agree on Everything?

While we like to say this person may be perfect for you, the truth is that nothing is ever completely perfect.

You do not have to agree on absolutely everything in order to make this relationship work. In fact, it’s healthier to be with someone who challenges you in a healthy way.

However, if you disagree to a point where you argue about everything creating a hostile, toxic environment for the both of you, maybe it’s time to consider that you both may not be meant for each other romantically, but maybe rather just as friends or strangers.


What if You Have Differences?

Differences in lifestyle, personality, or even routine make us all unique and separate us from everyone else. If we did not have differences, we would all be the same and therefore boring. So, with this being said, if you have differences, good.

While you may have differences, and that’s okay, ensure you are engaging in your partner’s differences. Maybe you could just discover something that you will love, like a new hobby or morning routine. Your differences could even be what makes this person perfect for you.


Final Thoughts on Who the Perfect Person Might be for You

When meeting new people, it’s hard to discover who might be the one that’s perfect for you romantically.

You can tell if you both have common interests in each other as well as if you both have common life experiences. Sometimes after knowing the person for a while, you might ‘just know,’

What makes a person perfect for you might be similarities between the two of you or even differences. You do not have to agree on everything throughout the relationship.

In fact, it’s healthier to be with someone who challenges you through disagreements that lead to healthy, constructive conversations.